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HTTP Endpoints


ngrok's HTTP endpoints enable you to serve APIs, web services, websocket servers, websites and more.

Serving a web application is as simple as ngrok http 80. You can also layer on additional capabilities like auth, observability, load balancing and more.

Example Usage

Basic usage

Create an HTTPS endpoint on a randomly assigned ngrok domain.

ngrok http 8080

Static domain

Create an HTTPS endpoint on

ngrok http 80 --domain

Bring your own domain

Create an HTTPS endpoint on

You will need to create a CNAME DNS record to bring your own domain. Create a Domain record on your ngrok dashboard and follow the instructions.

Consult the documentation about setting up branded domains for additional details.

ngrok http 80 --domain

Basic auth

Adds a username and password with the Basic Auth Module.

ngrok http 80 --basic-auth "username1:password1" --basic-auth "username2:password2"

Auth with Google

Enforce a browser-based OAuth flow in front of your HTTP endpoints to an identity provider like Google with the OAuth Module.

ngrok http 80 --oauth google

Forward to HTTPS

Use a URL with an https:// scheme to make ngrok speak HTTPS to your upstream service.

ngrok http https://localhost:8443

Rewrite Host header

Rewrite the Host header to the value localhost using the Request Headers module. Adding the Host header is a special case that replaces the existing Host header instead of appending a second value.

ngrok http 8080 --request-header-add='host: localhost'
ngrok http 9090 --request-header-add='host:'

Forward to non-local

Forward traffic to a HTTP server running on your network at

ngrok http

Wildcard domain

Create an endpoint on the wildcard domain, * It will receive traffic for and Read more about using wildcard domains.

ngrok http 80 --domain *

Serve directory files

Serve the files in a directory on an ngrok endpoint. It works just like python3 -m http.server but built directly into the ngrok agent.

Serve files in /var/log

ngrok http file://`pwd`

Serve files on Windows

ngrok http "file://C:\Users\alan\Directory Name"

Serve files in your current working directory

ngrok http "file:///var/log"

Serve HTTP and HTTPS

By default, ngrok creates an HTTPS endpoint but not an HTTP one. You can configure this behavior to create an HTTP endpoint as well.

ngrok http 80 --scheme http,https


ngrok is a compliant HTTP reverse proxy.

Upstream Headers

ngrok adds headers to each HTTP request with information about the client IP and original protocol. These headers can be removed with the Request Headers module.

X-Forwarded-ForThe IP address of the client who initiated the request to your endpoint.
X-Forwarded-HostThe header from the client's request if it existed, otherwise is set to the request's Host.
X-Forwarded-ProtoEither http or https, indicating the protocol the request used to access your endpoint.

Since ngrok is proxying requests, the X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto headers will be appended to if they already exist in the client's request. To utilize the values that ngrok is adding, make sure the last value for the header is being used, using whatever mechanism your server framework provides.


Anyone can access your ngrok endpoints unless you secure them with authentication. ngrok supports many different forms of authentication. The easiest to get started with are Basic Auth and OAuth. Basic Auth lets you set a username and password for your endpoint. With OAuth, you can restrict access to a specific email address with a Google, Microsoft or GitHub account.


There are many other forms of auth for more advanced use cases as well:


The Domains documentation contains details about how ngrok chooses domains, what managed based domains ngrok operates, how to set up branded domains, how wildcard domains work and more.

Static Domains

ngrok will randomly assign a domain when you create HTTP endpoints unless you specify one. This is okay for one-off uses, but usually you'll want to use a static domain that doesn't change.

You can ask ngrok to always use the same name with the --domain option in the agent or an equivalent option with other connectivity choices.

Example: Static Domains

Bring your own Domain

If you want to bring your own domain, you can do that as well, but you'll need to create a Domain record and set up a DNS CNAME record. Once you've set one up, you can use the following example.

Example: Bring your own Domain

Wildcard Domains

You can ask ngrok to create an endpoint which will receive traffic for all of the subdomains matching a given wildcard domain like * Read the wildcard domains documentation to understand the matching rules.

Example: Wildcard Domain


The ngrok agent forwards traffic that your endpoints receive to your upstream services. You specify a URL or port number to instruct the ngrok agent how and where to forward traffic.

Upstream HTTPS servers

By default, ngrok assumes that the upstream service it is forwarding to is listening for unencrypted HTTP traffic. You can specify a URL with an https:// scheme to make ngrok speak HTTPS to your upstream service.

As a special case, ngrok assumes that if you forward to port 443 on any host that it should send HTTPS traffic and will act as if you specified an https:// URL.

ngrok assumes that the network you run the agent on is private and it does not verify the TLS certificate presented by the upstream service.

Example: Forward to HTTPS

Rewriting the Host header

Some application servers expect the Host header to match a specific value when they receive requests and others use the Host header to determine which of many sites to display. ngrok can rewrite the Host header of incoming requests so that your upstream service behaves correctly.

When you rewrite the Host header, ngrok also rewrites the Location header of HTTP responses automatically to match the hostname of your Endpoint URL.

Example: Rewrite Host header

The ngrok agent has a shortcut which rewrites the Host header to match the hostname portion of the forwarding address. The following command will rewrite the host header to foo.local.

ngrok http foo.local:80 --host-header=rewrite

It is equivalent to:

ngrok http foo.local:80 --request-header-add='foo.local'

File Serving

The ngrok agent supports the file:// scheme in a forwarding URL. When you used the file:// scheme, the ngrok agent serves local file system directories by using its own built-in file server, no separate server needed.

All paths must be specified as absolute paths, the file:// URL scheme does not understand relative paths.

Example: Serving directory files


ngrok automatically manages all of your TLS certificates. There is nothing to setup, configure or manage.

Regardless of whether your domain is a subdomain of ngrok's managed base domains (like or you brought your own domain, ngrok will automatically provision and renew TLS certificates for you. You can optionally bring your own certificates if you'd like though.

Read the TLS Certificates documentation for additional details of how ngrok automatically provisions certificates for your domains as well as how you can bring your own certificates.


When you use Edges to manage your endpoints, you can apply different modules on a per-path basis. For example, you could apply auth to /dashboard and compression to /static.

We call this primitive a Route. Each Route is defined using a path selector, which will match a path on the request to that endpoint. This can be useful for adding OAuth to specific areas of your website, or stitching multiple services together into a single website. Routes can share the same backend, or you can use a different backend for each route.


By default, ngrok only creates HTTPS endpoints for your services. You can configure ngrok to create both HTTP and HTTPS endpoints or even just HTTP only. If you are using Edges, only HTTPS endpoints are supported.

Example: Serve HTTP and HTTPS


Websocket connections are supported. No changes or configuration is required.

Hop by hop Headers

ngrok does not forward any hop-by-hop headers to the upstream service.

As an exception to this rule, Connection: upgrade requests are forwarded to support websockets.

For information on headers added automatically by ngrok, see Upstream Headers.

HTTP/1.1 Keep-Alive

When a request is transmitted over HTTP/1.1, the ngrok edge may choose to use keep-alive connections to improve the performance of future requests. This behavior is not configurable.


Client to ngrok edge

ngrok's HTTP endpoints will automatically use HTTP/2 for all connections if the client supports it. HTTP/2 is used even if your upstream service does not support HTTP/2.

ngrok edge to upstream service

Requests to upstream services can be configured to continue using HTTP/2 with either the agent CLI flags or the agent SDKs.

All requests to your upstream service will be transmitted over HTTP/2 Cleartext since TLS was already terminated at the ngrok edge. We cannot use TLS-ALPN at this time. We rely on HTTP/2 with Prior Knowledge currently.


HTTP/3 is not yet supported.



Edges enable you to centrally manage your endpoints' Module configurations in the ngrok dashboard or API instead of defining them via an Agent or Agent SDK.

  • An HTTPS Edge is attached to one or more Domains. For each Domain, it creates an HTTPS Endpoint that it listens for traffic on.
  • When a Domain is associated with an HTTPS edge, agents may no longer start endpoints on that Domain. You can always detach a Domain from your Edge if you want to create Endpoints on it from an Agent or Agent SDK.
  • An HTTPS Edge has one or more Routes. Routes have selectors which enable you to process traffic for paths like /app or /static differently.
  • Each Route can apply different Modules. Routes can also even send traffic to different Backends.
  • HTTPS Edges do not create a corresponding HTTP endpoint. Instead, all HTTP traffic to domains associated with your HTTPS edges is automatically redirected to HTTPS.
  • When you create an HTTPS Edge via the dashboard, it will automatically create a new Domain with a random name and assign it to your Edge. If you are on the free plan and have created your free domain, it will adopt that domain.
  • When you create an HTTPS Edge via the dashboard, it will automatically create a Failover Backend with two entries. First, a tunnel group backend with a unique label and second an HTTP Response backend which renders an error if there are no tunnels online in the tunnel group.


Use modules to modify the behavior of traffic flowing through your endpoints.

Basic AuthRequire a username and password with HTTP Basic Auth.
Circuit BreakerProtect upstream services by rejecting traffic when they become overwhelmed.
CompressionAccelerate upstream services by compressing HTTP response bodies with gzip or deflate.
IP RestrictionsAllow or deny traffic based on the source IP of connections.
Mutual TLSEnforce mutual TLS auth with a configured set of CAs.
OAuthEnforce an OAuth flow to well-known IdPs like Google, optionally authorizing users by domain or email address.
OpenID ConnectEnforce an OpenID Connect flow to a federated IdP.
Request HeadersAdd or remove headers from HTTP requests before they are sent to your upstream service.
Response HeadersAdd or remove headers from HTTP responses before they are returned to the client.
SAMLEnforce a SAML flow to a federated IdP, optionally authorizing users by group.
TLS TerminationCustomize TLS termination behavior, like the minimum supported version of TLS.
Traffic PolicyInfluence and control traffic to and from your upstream service by configuring a powerful policy engine.
User Agent FilterBlock bots or browsers with rules that allow or deny HTTP requests based on User-Agent header.
Webhook VerificationRestrict access by verifying HTTP requests are signed by a webhook provider like Slack or GitHub.
Websocket TCP ConverterConvert binary websocket connections to backend TCP connections.


ngrok's events system can capture logs of HTTP requests to your endpoints. ngrok publishes both Layer 4 (connection-level) and Layer 7 (request-level) events for HTTP traffic.

When HTTP requests to your endpoints are completed, http_request_complete.v0 events are published.

When TCP connections to your HTTP endpoints are completed, tcp_connection_closed.v0 events are published.


If ngrok fails to handle an HTTP request it will set the ngrok-error-code header in the HTTP response with a unique ngrok Error Code describing the failure.

ngrok guarantees that the upstream service may never set the ngrok-error-code HTTP response header so you know reliably that it was set by ngrok.

ngrok may return an error under the following conditions:

  • A configured module rejected the request
  • Your upstream service timed out or rejected the connection
  • Your upstream service returned a response that was not valid HTTP
  • ngrok encountered an internal error


HTTP endpoints are available on all plans.

Branded domains are available on the Pro and Enterprise plans.